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Function Details


Current function

Function Call Count Self Wall Time Self CPU Self Memory Usage Self Peak Memory Usage Inclusive Wall Time Inclusive CPU Inclusive Memory Usage Inclusive Peak Memory Usage
Percent of total request
64 2,805 µs µs -56,072 bytes 888 bytes 20,052 µs
(1 %)
23,838 µs
(1 %)
144,392 bytes
(0 %)
147,368 bytes
(0 %)

Parent functions

Function Call Count Self Wall Time Self CPU Self Memory Usage Self Peak Memory Usage Inclusive Wall Time Inclusive CPU Inclusive Memory Usage Inclusive Peak Memory Usage
Percent of total request
205 1,387 µs 4,001 µs 6,168 bytes 1,376 bytes 78,457 µs
(3 %)
71,170 µs
(3 %)
345,336 bytes
(1 %)
263,056 bytes
(0 %)
Percent of total request
7 40 µs µs 664 bytes bytes 1,349 µs
(0 %)
(0 %)
11,880 bytes
(0 %)
3,728 bytes
(0 %)
Percent of total request
4 120 µs µs 888 bytes 3,816 bytes 3,534 µs
(0 %)
3,837 µs
(0 %)
76,848 bytes
(0 %)
71,152 bytes
(0 %)
Percent of total request
8 42 µs µs 728 bytes 344 bytes 4,526 µs
(0 %)
3,837 µs
(0 %)
84,720 bytes
(0 %)
78,232 bytes
(0 %)

Child functions

Function Call Count Inclusive Wall Time Inclusive CPU Inclusive Memory Usage Inclusive Peak Memory Usage
Nette\Forms\Controls\TextInput::getControl 33 5,422 µs 12,002 µs 48,208 bytes 25,272 bytes
Nette\Utils\Html::__get 128 214 µs µs 9,120 bytes 232 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\TextBase::getValue 38 2,488 µs µs 600 bytes 32,656 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\BaseControl::hasErrors 64 106 µs µs 632 bytes bytes
App\Model\DataConvertors\Form\BaseControlConvertor::prepareAttrs 64 682 µs µs 55,984 bytes 2,496 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\BaseControl::getOption 256 357 µs µs 632 bytes 632 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\BaseControl::getCaption 64 98 µs µs 632 bytes 632 bytes
Nette\ComponentModel\Component::__get 56 1,357 µs µs 21,856 bytes 31,088 bytes
Nette\Forms\Form::getTranslator 56 96 µs µs 600 bytes bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\SubmitButton::getControl 7 718 µs µs 4,192 bytes 512 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\BaseControl::getValue 13 20 µs µs 632 bytes bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\HiddenField::getControl 8 418 µs µs 4,704 bytes bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\HiddenField::getValue 8 15 µs µs 632 bytes 16 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\CheckboxList::getControl 4 2,482 µs 3,837 µs 22,528 bytes 29,200 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\MultiChoiceControl::getValue 4 88 µs µs 632 bytes bytes
Andweb\Localization\Translator::translate 54 132 µs µs 600 bytes bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\Checkbox::getControlPart 1 112 µs µs 1,176 bytes 872 bytes
Andweb\Forms\Controls\RecaptchaInput::getControl 5 1,257 µs 7,999 µs 10,392 bytes 11,720 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\TextArea::getControl 5 723 µs µs 11,160 bytes 2,576 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\RadioList::getControl 1 458 µs µs 4,920 bytes 8,576 bytes
Nette\Forms\Controls\ChoiceControl::getValue 1 µs µs 632 bytes bytes