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Function Details


Current function

Function Call Count Self Wall Time Self CPU Self Memory Usage Self Peak Memory Usage Inclusive Wall Time Inclusive CPU Inclusive Memory Usage Inclusive Peak Memory Usage
Percent of total request
1675 39,360 µs 25,693 µs -1,401,048 bytes 263,920 bytes 354,493 µs
(15 %)
317,063 µs
(14 %)
7,270,368 bytes
(17 %)
8,685,088 bytes
(20 %)

Parent functions

Function Call Count Self Wall Time Self CPU Self Memory Usage Self Peak Memory Usage Inclusive Wall Time Inclusive CPU Inclusive Memory Usage Inclusive Peak Memory Usage
Percent of total request
1 µs µs 696 bytes bytes 1,632 µs
(0 %)
4,000 µs
(0 %)
26,408 bytes
(0 %)
28,056 bytes
(0 %)
Percent of total request
1594 9,906 µs 11,617 µs 600,040 bytes 43,064 bytes 219,764 µs
(9 %)
175,062 µs
(8 %)
657,920 bytes
(2 %)
1,456,016 bytes
(3 %)
Percent of total request
67 2,439 µs 1,393 µs 88 bytes 6,360 bytes 100,198 µs
(4 %)
96,015 µs
(4 %)
829,360 bytes
(2 %)
1,264,864 bytes
(3 %)
Percent of total request
2 90 µs µs 2,224 bytes 632 bytes 807 µs
(0 %)
4,001 µs
(0 %)
13,760 bytes
(0 %)
632 bytes
(0 %)
Percent of total request
12 90 µs µs 1,704 bytes bytes 99,290 µs
(4 %)
97,163 µs
(4 %)
6,773,656 bytes
(16 %)
6,790,088 bytes
(15 %)

Child functions

Function Call Count Inclusive Wall Time Inclusive CPU Inclusive Memory Usage Inclusive Peak Memory Usage
Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::loadClass 4 1,406 µs µs 17,232 bytes 1,552 bytes
Nette\DI\Container::createInstance 1675 258,049 µs 249,499 µs 7,818,568 bytes 7,871,232 bytes
Nette\Utils\Arrays::isList 1606 6,518 µs 4,150 µs 568 bytes 84,576 bytes
Nette\Utils\Type::fromReflection 2093 37,507 µs 25,717 µs 833,912 bytes 463,560 bytes
Nette\Utils\Type::isClass 1620 10,874 µs 12,004 µs 568 bytes bytes
Nette\Utils\Type::getSingleName 497 779 µs µs 568 bytes 248 bytes